GOMAD Video: Only Milk for a Day
New video at my YouTube channel. In this one, I consumed only a gallon of 2% milk and 80g of protein powder for an entire day, my own version of the GOMAD (Gallon of Milk a Day) idea. I got to thinking about how a gallon of 2% milk would fit into my target macros at less than 2,000 calories for the full jug, but left me short on protein goals for the day. So, I added some protein into the mix so the full day of eating was super simple.
See the video below, there’s a really fun intro with a scene from Kingpin that is worth your time, even if you don’t watch the whole video. I also tell a few stories, as I try to improve my storytelling ability, which is notoriously bad.
In Search of the Magic Food
I’m always fascinated in extrapolating a single type of food into a full day of calories to see if there is an idea food that if I ate only that would allow me to hit my macros. These types of challenges are potentially useful if I need to use some of this knowledge. For example, if I’m going on a road trip and driving all day, it’s good to know that a full gallon of milk and a shaker bottle with some protein powder will keep me on track.

How Did it Feel to GOMAD and Just Drink Milk?
This was a successful experiment in that there were no ill-effects health wise. I didn’t have any gas (outside of normal!), which was a pleasant surprise. I only consumed the milk over a 4 hour period, so when I was slamming the last bit of milk, I did get some pain from just having too much milk in my stomach, but it passed quickly. Also, I found myself feeling full despite drinking my calories, milk is kind of an anomaly to the old rule of not drinking calories.

This video is somewhat derivative of my prior video where I ate only one bowl of food a day, which I dubbed the OBAD diet. See that video here. I’ve been pretty consistent with YouTube posting lately, but subscriber count has stalled. No worries, I’m still amazed more than 200 people care what I’m doing out there as I catalogue my fitness and nutrition adventures.