Saved You a Click | New YouTube Video

I threw together a quick video this week, with some quick thoughts on several fitness topics that many YouTubers make long videos about.  I wanted to run through them quickly in hopes of saving you a click basically.  

Below are the notes I used to make the video. I’m working on an idea for a weekly blog post of some kind, something repeatable that has fresh content each week, but lately its been just videos and summaries. More to come.

1. Nutrition Basics

  • There are 4 calories per gram of protein and carbohydrates
  • There are 9 calories per gram of fat
  • All macronutrients are important and your diet should probably include a mix of all three
  • Protein is necessary for building and sustaining muscle
  • More protein is probably good as you get older
  • Carbohydrates give you energy basically
  • Fat helps with hormonal balance and satiety
  • Calorie surplus makes you gain weight, calorie deficit makes you lose weight
  • All popular diets are just ways to achieve a calorie deficit.
  • Calorie deficit can be achieved through some combination of moving more and eating less
  • Sugar is fine, fat is fine, carbohydrates are fine.

2. Intermittent fasting 

  • Did a video on this already, good for establishing psychological discipline and for creating a calorie deficit, but nothing magic about it
  • May promote binge eating and unhealthy food focus

3. Best training split – full body, bro splits, push pull legs, etc.

  • Personal preference, but for most people who don’t have multiple hours daily to train, the full body approach works really well.

4. Can you lose fat and gain muscle at the same time?

  • Yes for sure, if you are just starting out as a novice lifter
  • Recomping your muscle to fat ratio while staying at the same overall weight is possible too, but hard.

5. What’s the best rep range to gain strength?

  • 3-8 reps, 4 rep sets are good, 5 rep sets are good, 6 rep sets are good, it depends on your training level and what you’re training for
  • Generally above 8 is more about hypertrophy or mass than strength 
  • Very high reps are useful for smaller body parts like biceps or shoulders

6. What supplements should you take?

  • Just creatine
  • Fish oil doesn’t appear to have real benefits