Beard and Pushups | New YouTube Video

I posted a fresh video that covers all the topics in the text below, including adjusting to the new quarantine life, working from home, etc.

All in This Together

Man, It has been a wild time at my house the last month, probably similar to what you’ve been dealing with. But a really cool thing about it is that the whole world is kind of in the same boat. We’re all managing through this weird forced isolation at the same time. Figuring out how to telecommute, how to home school, how to spend all day with your family and not go crazy.  

Tennis with the older boy.

My mom and sister are doing this in Texas, my friend in California, my friend in Greece, talk show hosts, comedians, athletes, everyone. It’s one of the wildest things that’s ever happened. 

1,000 Pushup Challenge

There are so many people out there doing bodyweight exercise challenges, pushups in particular.  A good friend of mine challenged me to 1000 push ups in 24 hours. So, I did pushups everywhere and got it done over 3 hours one night and 4 the next morning. It was pretty fun…I added that pushup footage into the video on the side. 

Gym Equipment Shortage

And after the run on toilet paper, there now appears to be a shortage of home gym equipment as people frantically and belatedly start home gyms. It’s a good thing I have all the equipment I need out here. 

There has been one addition to the gym and that’s my makeshift office setup. I’ve been working here most days since my office shut down a few weeks ago. I enjoy being the separation from all the inside the house noises. 

There are occasional outside noises I have to worry about, like when the kids play basketball right outside the door. But in general it’s been great. I have the TV, chair and table, that’s really all I need. Plus, I can always sneak in some training and the wife or my boss at work will be none the wiser. 

Home office setup in the gym.

No Time for Content

One thing I thought I’d have more of during this quarantine is free time. I haven’t had as much time to devote towards making blog posts or YouTube videos. The kids have been a handful, work has been busier somehow from home than at the office, with an endless stream of video meetings and phone calls. But I am pushing forward, working on some new ideas on how I can create content that’s more focused and consistent. So stay tuned for that. 

Training and Nutrition: PRs Incoming

Training is going pretty well, a few nagging injuries, but I have high hopes for the upcoming 1RM test in a week and a half.  Targets for a week from now are to hit 345 for squat, 435 for deadlift, and 275 for bench press for a total of 1,055…I’ll be really happy if I hit at least 1,050. 

Nutrition is fine, after my bulk up to 190lbs, I’ve maintained around 188lbs for the last month or so. As soon as I test my 1RM, I will probably go on a small cut down to around 180lbs and try to hold my current strength levels. Maintaining has been pretty easy, helped by staying active and getting steps in when possible. 


A ton of plans we had for spring break, little league, school plays have all been canceled. The masters, the olympics, everything canceled.  Comment down below the thing you are saddest about being canceled. My saddest is probably little league, I was set to be head coach and we had a pretty good team on paper. 

Anyway, hang in there everyone, reach out if you are struggling, stay active and watch my videos. And above all else, keep it on the DL.