DadLifting YouTube Channel: Episode 2

This weekend, I shot, edited and published my second video on my YouTube channel. Much prouder of this second one than the first one. I wrote the outline to the main talking part on my phone while wandering around the neighborhood on Halloween with my middle child.

The part where I talk in the basement was filmed basically first thing Saturday morning in 1.5 takes, and I think it came across much smoother than my first video. At the same time, the monotone delivery and lack of energy is something to work on going forward. Really cutting loose and letting my personality come through is going to happen over time.

I wrote the script to the intro earlier in the week. I thought the intro turned out great, but I am biased. The idea for the speech came to me as I was thinking about what the actual content of the video would be: basically a summary of my current protocols for training and nutrition, a review of my philosophy. The speech was a fun way for me to try to capture that. The next video is about bulking, and I have a good idea for another iconic movie scene to use for that one.

Editing in the workout footage was pretty easy. I’m currently using Adobe Premiere Rush, which is a light version of the Premiere Pro product. I think I probably need to step up to the Premiere Pro over time. The other thing is I probably need a better computer, possibly a desktop, to get serious about editing, but its better to focus on making good content first and worry about that later.

The thumbnail photo re-make of the Trump lawnmower meme is something I’ll probably use again.