Video: Anabolic Girl Scout Cookie Reviews
In my latest YouTube video, I tried a couple of unique anabolic recipes that recently dropped separately from two anabolic recipe creators on YouTube: Ethan Harold and Ashley Evelyn. I like these two creators a lot, and these two recipes are perfect for killing cravings for Girl Scout cookies, whether its for Samoas or for Thin Mints. Check out my review below. If you do end up trying the recipes, make sure you tag me on Instagram (@dad_lifting).

Limited Experience with Girl Scout Cookies
This year, with the office being closed, there wasn’t that awkward girl scout cookie pitch from a co-worker whose daughter was selling cookies. Therefore, it’s been a while since I’ve tried them. However, I did buy two boxes on the side of the road in Hershey, PA last week to help with the intro to the video. I prefer the anabolic versions for the volume.
Comment below with your favorite Girl Scout cookie flavor. I think Samoas are up there for me, but I also like the relatively new flavor of S’mores. Thin mints never really did it for me, which is weird because I love mint ice cream.
Takeaways From Each Recipe
Anyway, the cookies were great, and I will take away a few things from each recipe even if I never make them again. First, peppermint extract is a great way to mask the taste of chickpeas. So, protein balls flavored with mint and chocolate are something I’d make in the future. Second, the base of Ethan’s cookies, which includes graham cracker crumbs, protein powder and syrup, is really good on its own. I’ve actually just eaten that mix raw before and it has decent macros.

I also had fun with the intro, a take off on the classic 50 Cent driving away gif.