YouTube Channel is Live

After watching countless hours of fitness YouTube videos the last 5 years, I’ve started my own channel on the platform. The challenges I face in seeking to achieve any kind of following there or anywhere else are large, but probably the biggest one is coming up with a fresh way to share my passion for fitness and weight training with the world.

I do not have that part figured out yet (clearly), but by getting started, it
should work itself out as I go. In the meantime, getting better at doing the mundane side of the process (shooting and editing video, adding text and thumbnails to the video) offers plenty of interest at this early stage.  Turning the camera on myself is an uncomfortable process for sure.  Putting yourself out there knowing your content and production values won’t be nearly on par with others that are on the same platform, but better than not trying at all.

The first video was about that inner struggle and I went over-the-top in characterizing just how weird people think I am and how long it’s been since I made a friend.  Most of that was exaggerated for effect.  Not making friends is less about any lack of success in finding people and more an outcome of having three active children, moving several times, not drinking alcohol and having a pretty demanding job. 

I had a lot of fun shooting the first part of the video, basically tried to
remember all the movie lines that had the word weird in them and went for those with the boys.  They were really happy to help!

Finally, I did mention in the video the near-term goals for the channel, and I’ll reiterate them here: put out consistent videos to gain reps, target 1,000 subscribers in 12 months.  The subscriber goal is going to be a big one to reach, but I am committed to the first goal and if I put out enough videos over the next 12 months, I’ll know by the end of next year if its something I want to continue doing or good at based on (a) how much fun I’m having and (b) how many subscribers I end up with.