Time to Cut: My Plan to Lose 10 Pounds

After maintaining for a few years, then bulking for a few months, I now plan to spend 10 weeks cutting down to what I expect will be my best ever physique. In this post, I’ll discuss my rationale and my plan for the next 10 weeks, including what I plan to do with my diet, training and cardio.

Tracking Progress is Essential

I track my weight daily, because its a very easy piece of data to collect and because its useful for managing body composition. The chart below is that daily data over the last 13 months or so.

Five or six years ago, I weighed 194 pounds and then got really focused on getting lean and strong. I started with the “slow-carb” diet in Tim Ferris’s 4-Hour Body book. Then shifted into a strict intermittent fasting protocol with a looser “if it fits your macros” (IIFYM) approach. By combining that with strength training focused on heavy compound movements, I got down to around 168 pounds at my lowest and then held around 175-178 for a few years.

Bulk Up, Cut Back, Bro Down

Late last year, as shown in the chart, I did something I have never done before: I made a plan to intentionally gain weight, hopefully mostly lean gains, in a “bulk”. The plan worked, and I added 12 pounds over 12 weeks, cresting at 190 pounds, when my pants started to get a bit too tight (although I didn’t have to buy new ones, which was one measure of success).

That bulk coincided with a 12-week strength program that extended into mid-April, a few weeks after the bulk was over. After completing the program and hitting some fresh personal record lifts (in squats and bench press most notably), I maintained for a few weeks.

Then, starting last week, I started another plan: to cut back down to 176 pounds over around 10 weeks. Looking at just the weight chart, you might question the rationale for yoyo-ing weight back down after working so hard to gain mass just a few months ago. The bulk worked, but the true test of its success will be when I get back down to my previous weight and see if my body composition is better this time.

I’m excited at the prospect of peeling away the extra fluff and proving that this cycle of bulking and cutting was worth it. To prove that more scientifically, I plan to start tracking my bodyfat percentage again. I have bodyfat data from this time last year to compare and will be able to prove to myself that I will have more muscle mass at the same weight.

The chart below is my progress so far, just one week in. Things are starting slow so far.

Nutrition During the Cut

To drop the weight, I plan to reduce my caloric intake gradually over the 10 weeks. I am starting at 2400 calories a day. I’ll pull back on fat and carbohydrate calories by around 150 calories every 2 weeks. That will put me at around 1650 calories in the final 2 weeks of the plan. I’ll likely re-deploy my intermittent fasting protocol on those last few weeks to make it tolerable.

I’ll keep protein around 190 grams per day, with a mix of fat and carbohydrates. Not doing carnivore, keto or anything like that.

Cheat Meals

I don’t plan to do any scheduled cheat meals, but may institute them later in the cut as things get harder. I will end up screwing up at some point along the way, overeating in a lapse of discipline. Having cheat meals on top of those inevitable slip ups will be too much.

I find that strictly adhering to a protocol works better for me, but cheat meals work well for others. I have a history of binge eating, so giving myself free rein on the kitchen is not a great strategy.

Training During the Cut

My training plan during that time period will include weight training 6 days a week, including 4 max effort days and 2 dynamic effort (lighter days). I will do another post on the program I am using, which is an adjusted version of the Conjugate program Brian Alsruhe outlined on his YouTube channel a few years ago.

Cardio During the Cut

Cardio will consist of walking to ensure I get 11,000 steps per day. In addition, I will be doing a daily walking lunge protocol that I’ve seen Cory G Fitness do on Instagram. He does 650 meters of walking lunges uphill everyday. I’ve started with 100 steps and have worked up to 200 steps without stopping. I plan to work up to 400 meters daily.

The amount and intensity of the training will be very demanding, especially as I’m trying to lean down. I expect recovery will be a problem, but I’ll make adjustments as I go.

Starting Pics

That’s the plan, I’ll keep you posted on the progress, including some updated pictures. For now, here are two pics I took from across the room that give an idea of where I’m starting from.

Ok, time to get to work. Keep it on the DL, fam.