Video: Anabolic Ice Cream Challenge

This week, my channel crossed over 100 subscribers, which was as good a reason as any to spend a day eating just ice cream.  I tried to eat 5 tubs of ice cream in 100 minutes. Spoiler alert: I did not finish in that time, but I did finish all of it within 6 hours. Check out the video below.

It was over 3,000 calories including the toppings, more than 500 calories more than I usually eat in a day, but I somehow lost weight on the day. I think some of that had to do with the low body temperature I achieved after downing like 40 cups of ice cream in 6 hours. My body had to work hard to regulate temperature back up.


Blended protein or anabolic ice cream is the biggest hack I have found to satisfy my sweet tooth and fill me up without tons of calories. It is some real life wizardry. I have found some really great flavors out there, and I make ice cream basically every day.

I also did a 100 themed deadlift session in the video and talked about the future of my YouTube channel. Also, I made a promise for my next big milestone to let me son shave my head in revenge for an earlier video.


Strawberry Protein Ice Cream Flavor

For 4 of the 5 ice creams, I used recipes from popular YouTube creators. Shout out to YouTube Ice Cream chefs Exercise4CheatMeals, The Iron Musket and Greg Doucette for the great recipes used in this video.

But for the 5th flavor, I used a recipe I’ve developed over time because of my love of frozen strawberries. Strawberries don’t have as much taste punch as some other fruits, but with enough fake sugar, syrup and whipped cream, it makes for a great ice cream.

Here is the recipe for my strawberry flavor:

  • 35g vanilla whey protein
  • 5g splenda
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 100g nonfat greek yogurt
  • 3.5g guar gum
  • 0.25 tsp salt
  • 20g Walden Farms strawberry syrup
  • 200g Ice
  • 250g Frozen Strawberries

Blend for a long time in a Ninja blender, stopping to scrape the sides after a few minutes. At the end, it should look like the picture below.