Video: Establishing Maintenance Calories

The most challenging nutrition issue I’ve been grappling with lately is re-establishing maintenance calories after achieving my target bodyweight. This is a high class problem, I know, but it is critical if you want to avoid putting weight back on.

I’ve held 160-162 bodyweight for a few months now. I hope that my body has established this level as a new set point. Because after a big drop in bodyweight, the body will fight hard to get back to the weight you were at before. I want to avoid that, but I also want to be able to live without fear of packing on new pounds.

I have read the best way to establish your maintenance calories is to eat and track bodyweight closely and try to adjust calories to a level that results in static bodyweight.

So, I decided to embark on the ambitious task of tracking my calories closely and dialing in a new maintenance calorie amount based on my new bodyweight and lean body mass levels.

7 Day Process with 7 Recipes

The process took 7 days, and I made a video about the process, but in order to make the video a little more interesting, I accompanied each daily check in with a special anabolic recipe made by a smaller YouTube recipe creator.

Spreading the word about these smaller channels is a way to pay back others who have done that for me so far, or supported my recent videos. Guys like Ethan Harold and Josh S, who I shout out in this video.

Bigger channels like Iron Musket and Exercise4CheatMeals are also very welcoming as I’ve jumped into the anabolic community lately.

We all just want to unlock the most filling and delicious ways to use our calories every day. So, check out the video if you want to see how the maintenance process went and learn more about the recipes I like to make.

Please suggest any other small YouTube channels that have great recipe ideas for me to try and give love to. In the meantime, keep it on the DL…