Wolf of Gains St – New YouTube Video

I published my third new YouTube video this weekend. It was all about my personal plan to participate in bulking season over the next few months. I’ve already written about my plans here [link], so this post will be about the video itself, which you can watch here.

I was pretty pleased with how the intro turned out for this video, incorporating different camera angles and cuts, also I figured out it is much easier to put an image over my kids faces than to blur them out, so I’m going to do that from now on, and the emoji bit could work in future videos.

Also, at the end of this video, I added another skill this week, playing music over workout footage. So, now I have three ways to show training footage:

  • In the background while I’m talking about something else (as seen in this and the first episode)
  • With voiceover talking about the lifting (as seen in the second video)
  • With music as a standalone piece of content without commentary (as seen in this episode)

Hopefully, I can keep adding to my repertoire of skills and also get better and quicker at using all the skills, such that the content keeps coming. Thanks for your interest, keep it on the DL.